Providers & Sources

2012 Web Index

Data providers

CIAThe CIA World Factbook
FreedomHouseFreedom House
IEAInternational Energy Agency
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union
RSFReporters Without Borders
UNUnited Nations
WEFWorld Economic Forum
WebFoundationWorld Wide Web Foundation
WorldBankThe World Bank

Indicators metadata

FHAPolitical rightsRatings are determined by the total number of points each country receives for 10 questions associated with political rights. Countries receive 0-4 points for each question with zero points indicating the least degree of freedom and four points the greatest degree. An overall score between 1-7 is then computed where a country is deemed to be free if it scores between 1 and 2.5, partially free with a score between 3 and 5, and not free with a score between 5.5 and 7.

Institutional Infrastructure
Freedom House
FHBCivil libertiesRatings are determined by the total number of points each country receives for 15 questions associated with civil liberties. Countries receive 0-4 points for each question with zero points indicating the least degree of freedom and four points the greatest degree. An overall score between 1-7 is then computed where a country is deemed to be free if it scores between 1 and 2.5, partially free with a score between 3 and 5, and not free with a score between 5.5 and 7.

Institutional Infrastructure
Freedom House
IEAAElectrification rateMeasued as the proportion of the population with access to electricity. Data is collected from industry, national survey and international sources. Data is typically source locally meaning that definitions and data quality will vary from country to country.

Communications Infrastructure
ITUAInternational Bandwidth (Mbits/Second) per internet userCapacity of all Internet exchanges that backbone operaters provide to carry traffic. Based on responses from countries of an annual questionnaire supplemented with data from ITU research. Measured in terms of Mbits per second per internet user

Communications Infrastructure
ITUBBroadband subscribers per 100 populationRefers to total fixed (wired) broadband Internet subscriptions (that is, subscriptions to high-speed access to the public Internet (a TCP/IP connection) at downstream speeds equal to, or greater than 256 kbit/s) divided by population and multiplied by 100.

Communications Infrastructure
ITUC% of households with personal computersRefers to the percentage of households with a computer. A computer can include a desktop, portable or handheld computer (e.g. a personal digital assistant). It does not include equipment with some embedded computing abilities such as mobile phones or TV sets.

Communications Infrastructure
ITUDMobile phone subscriptions per 100 populationRefers to the subscriptions to a mobile cellular telephone service, including number of pre-paid SIM cards active during the past three months, divided by the population and multipled by 100.

Communications Infrastructure
ITUEFixed broadband internet monthly subscription as % of monthly GDP per capitaThe monthly subscription charge for fixed (wired) broadband Internet service. Fixed (wired) broadband is considered any dedicated connection to the Internet at downstream speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 kbit/s, using DSL. Where several offers are available, preference should be given to the 256 kbit/s connection. Taxes should be included. If not included, it should be specified in a note including the applicable tax rate. This indicator is expressed in US$ as a share of monthly GDP per capita

Communications Infrastructure
ITU/World Bank
ITUFITU mobile-cellular sub-basket as a % of monthly GDP per capitaThis a composite indicator calculated by ITU to quantify the affordability of mobile-cellular correspondance. Technically, it sums the price of 30 outgoing calls (peak, off-peak, on-net and off-net) plus 100 SMS messages and expresses it as a share of monthly GDP per capita measured at PPP exchange rates.

Communications Infrastructure
ITU/World Bank
ITUGPercentage of population covered by a mobile cellular networkMobile cellular coverage of population in percent. This indicator measures the percentage of inhabitants that are within range of a mobile cellular signal, irrespective of whether or not they are subscribers. This is calculated by dividing the number of inhabitants within range of a mobile cellular signal by the total population and multiplying by 100. Note that this is not the same as the mobile subscription density or penetration. When there are multiple operators offering the service, the maximum amount of population covered should be reported.

Communications Infrastructure
ITUHPercentage of individuals using the internetRefers to the percentage of the population using the Internet. The Internet is a worldwide public computer network. It provides access to a number of communication services including the World Wide Web and carries e-mail, news, entertainment and data files. Internet use may be facilitated by any device enabling Internet access (not only a computer). This includes a mobile phone, PDA, games machine and digital TV. Use can be via a fixed or mobile network.
The Web

Web Use
Q1Use of web for political mobilisationSurvey Question: To what extent has the Web been used for political mobilisation in your country (e.g. through the use of social networking sites)? [1 = not at all; 10 = extensively]

Political Impact
Q10Government Website censorshipSurvey Question: To what extent does the government impose restrictions on access to websites (censorship)? [1 = extensive restrictions are imposed and many websites are blocked; 10 = no restrictions are imposed and no websites are blocked]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q11aWeb use by the ElderlySurvey Question: To what extent do elderly people have effective and useful access to the web? [1 = effectively no access to the web; 10 = full access to the web]
The Web

Web Use
Q11bWeb use by illiterate peopleSurvey Question: To what extent do illiterate people or people with very low literacy have effective and useful access to the web? [1 = effectively no access to the web; 10 = full access to the web]
The Web

Web Use
Q11cWeb use by those with visual disabilitySurvey Question: To what extent do elderly with visual disability people have effective and useful access to the web? [1 = effectively no access to the web; 10 = full access to the web]
The Web

Web Use
Q11dWeb use by those with learning disabilitiesSurvey Question: To what extent do people with learning disabilities have effective and useful access to the web? [1 = effectively no access to the web; 10 = full access to the web]
The Web

Web Use
Q11eWeb use by people susceptible to seizuresSurvey Question: To what extent do people susceptible to seizures have effective and useful access to the web? [1 = effectively no access to the web; 10 = full access to the web]
The Web

Web Use
Q11fWeb use by those with hearing disabilitySurvey Question: To what extent do people with hearing disability have effective and useful access to the web? [1 = effectively no access to the web; 10 = full access to the web]
The Web

Web Use
Q12Criminal activitiesSurvey Question: To what extent do you think that the Web is making it easier to undertake criminal activities in your country? [1 = the Web is making it much easier to undertake criminal activities in the country l; 10 = not at all: the Web has not made it easier to undertake criminal activities in the country ]

Economic Impact
Q13laws against cyber crimeSurvey Question: To what extent are there laws against cybercrime in your country? [1 = no laws exist; 10 = extensive laws exist]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q14Trust in the Web for commerceSurvey Question: To what extent would you say that the Web is trusted as a means of buying and selling goods and services in your country? [1 = not at all; 10 = extensively]

Economic Impact
Q15Web use for AgricultureSurvey Question: To what extent do government or non-government agencies use the Web to disseminate important information to farmers (for example on prices, weather conditions, fertilizers and pesticides, dealing with plant and livestock diseases, etc.)? [1 = not at all; 10 = extensive use of the Web to disseminate information to farmers]

Economic Impact
Q16Quality of training for computer engineersSurvey Question: To what extent would you regard your country as being among the world's best in terms of training computer engineers? [1 = not at all; 10 = the country has some of the world's best education and training institutions for computer engineers]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q17Business development around the WebSurvey Question: To what extent would you consider your country to have developed successful businesses based on the use of the Web? [1 = not at all, hardly any Web-based businesses exist.; 10 = very large number of Web-based businesses exist, and many are world-leaders in their field ]

Economic Impact
Q18Reliability of electricity supplySurvey Question: How reliable is the electricity supply in your country? [1 = not at all reliable; 10 = virtually totally reliable]

Communications Infrastructure
Q20Affordability of Web accessSurvey Question: To what extent would you say that Web access (cost of connection, downloads etc) is affordable to the vast majority of people in your country? [Not affordable to the large majority of the population; 10 = affordable to the large majority of the population]

Communications Infrastructure
Q22Government use of open licensesSurvey Question: To what extent are government agencies publishing information on the web using open licenses? [1 = not at all; 10 = extensively]
The Web

Web Content
Q23apublication of trade data on the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there government data on the web for international trade? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23bpublication of fiscal data on the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there detailed government data on the web on budgeted and actual spending of different departments? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23cPublication of health data on the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there government data on the web on health sector performance (hospitals, doctors etc)? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23dPublication of education data on the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there government data on the web on educational performance? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23ePublication of transport data on the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there government data on the web on transport data and schedules? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23fPublication of census data on the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there government data on the web for the census - age, income, voting, migration etc? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23gPublication of map data on the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there government map data on the web? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23hTax filing via the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there government data on tax returns and how to submit these? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23iInformation on contacts in government departmentsSurvey Question: To what extent are there government data on the web on whom to reach for different government services (e.g. local police stations, libraries etc)? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q23jPublication of crime data on the WebSurvey Question: To what extent are there government data on the web on crime in your country? [1 = no data at all; 10 = extensive data]
The Web

Web Content
Q24Ease of access of government dataSurvey Question: How easy is it easy to access government data (as listed in Q23) on the Web in open machine readable format (.csv or .xls files, XLS, RDF etc)? [1 = very difficult to access government data; 10 = very easy to access government data]
The Web

Web Content
Q25Extent of Open Government Data InitiativeSurvey Question: Does the government have a specific open data initiative? [1 = no full open government data initiative; 10 = full open government data initiative]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q26Creation of new services based on government dataSurvey Question: To what extent are Web applications and services in areas such as health, education, security, budgets etc "built" on top of government data (i.e. there has been new and useful information and services derived from the published government data in those fields? [1 = none at all; 10 = extensive applications and services]
The Web

Web Content
Q2aPolitical party WebsitesSurvey Question: Do the main political parties have websites? [1 = none have websites; 10 = all have websites]
The Web

Web Content
Q2bExtent of political campaigning via the webSurvey Question: Do the main political parties campaign through the Web - if it is legal to do so (e.g. to mobilise supporters, or push their political agenda)? [1 = no campaigning via the Web; 10 = extensive Web-based campaigning]

Political Impact
Q3Web-Based health informationSurvey Question: To what extent is there reliable and trusted information on the web, to help, for instance, identify ailments, and offer preventative or curative measures, in a language readable by the local population (the official languages of the country)? [1 = no information at all; 10 = extensive proactive information provided by the web]
The Web

Web Content
Q4Web use for public healthSurvey Question: In cases of an outbreak of widespread infectious diseases or epidemics (e.g. Avian Flu or Cholera), does the government proactively provide information to the public about disease control or prevention via the web? For example, by using web-based messaging systems to contact the people via email or mobile phones, guiding people to websites for further information? [1 = no information ever provided via the web; 10 = extensive proactive information provided]

Social Impact
Q5aPrimary education curriculumSurvey Question: To what extent is the local/state curriculum available on the web (including supporting academic material), for primary education? [1 = primary school curriculum is never available on the web; 10 = primary school curriculum is almost always available on the web]
The Web

Web Content
Q5bsecondary education curriculumSurvey Question: To what extent is the local/state curriculum available on the web (including supporting academic material), for secondary education? [1 = secondary school curriculum is never available on the web; 10 = secondary school curriculum is almost always available on the web]
The Web

Web Content
Q5ctertiary education curriculumSurvey Question: To what extent is the local/state curriculum available on the web (including supporting academic material), for tertiary education? [1 = tertiary education curriculum is never available on the web; 10 = tertiary education curriculum is almost always available on the web]
The Web

Web Content
Q6Teacher training via the WebSurvey Question: To what extent is distance learning used in the training of teachers? [1 = not at all. Teachers always have to be present at a training facility to receive their training; 10 = extensively, if a teacher chooses to, she/he could receive almost full training via the web]

Social Impact
Q7Social networking sitesSurvey Question: To what extent are social networking sites (local or international) used in the country? [1 = not at all; 10 = extensively]

Social Impact
Q8aInformation on safety and securitySurvey Question: To what extent is there relevant and useful content in the local official languages of the country in personal safety and security? [1 = no information on the web in the local language at all; 10 = extensive information on the local languages exists on the web]
The Web

Web Content
Q8bGeneral news availabilitySurvey Question: To what extent is there relevant and useful content in the local official languages of the country in general news - both local and international? [1 = no information on the web in the local language at all; 10 = extensive information on the local languages exists on the web]
The Web

Web Content
Q8cInformation on jobsSurvey Question: To what extent is there relevant and useful content in the local official languages of the country in searching for jobs? [1 = no information on the web in the local language at all; 10 = extensive information on the local languages exists on the web]
The Web

Web Content
Q9abboy:girl computer trainingSurvey Question: To what extent are boys trained in the use of computers? [1 = no training at all; 10 = almost all trained]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q9cdboy:girl encouragement to study science and technologySurvey Question: To what extent are girls encouraged to focus on science and technology? [1 = never encouraged; 10 = always encouraged]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q9eGovernment encouragement of Web useSurvey Question: To what extent does the government publicize the importance of access to the Web to all the population? [1 = hardly ever; 10 = very frequently]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q9fGovernment encouragement of Web use for womenSurvey Question: To what extent does the government publicize the importance of access to the Web specifically for women? [1 = hardly ever; 10 = very frequently]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q9gGovernment ICT trainingSurvey Question: To what extent are there Government programmes specifically focusing on funding training for their staff in ICT use? [1 = hardly ever; 10 = very frequently]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q9hGovernment ICT training for womenSurvey Question: To what extent are there Government programmes specifically focusing on funding training for their women staff in ICT use? [1 = hardly any programmes; 10 = many programmes]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q9iFemale role models in ICT fieldSurvey Question: In your country to what extent are there female role models in the ICT field (such as women in senior positions in IT-sector firms, or women in in senior government positions in the field of science of IT? [1 = no women in senior ICT positions; 10 = plenty]

Institutional Infrastructure
Q9kWomen's groups WebsitesSurvey Question: In your country to what extent are there women's groups websites? [1 = hardly any; 10 = plenty]
The Web

Web Content
Q9l% of women ICT graduatesSurvey Question: In your country, in tertiary education, what proportion of female graduates are women? [1 = almost all men; 10 = an almost equal proportion to men]

Institutional Infrastructure
RSFAPress freedom indexScore based on questionnaire filled out by independent sources. Questions cover violations affecting journalists (murder, imprisonment etc) and news media (censorship, confiscation of newspaper issues) plus the degree of self-censorship i.e. the ability of the media to investigate and criticise. Also takes into account the legal and economic status of the media (state monopoly, private monopoly etc).

Institutional Infrastructure
UNASchool life expectancy (years)Number of years of schooling that a child can expect to receive assuming that the probability of his or her being enrolled in school at any particular future age is equal to the current enrolment ratio at that age. Includes repeat years.

Institutional Infrastructure
UNBLiteracy ratesDefined as the percentage of the population aged 15 and over who can with understanding read/write a short simple statement about their everyday life.

Institutional Infrastructure
UNCGovernment online services indexAssesses the quality, relevance and usefulness of government websites for providing online information and participatory tools and services for people.
The Web

Web Content
UNDE-participation indexIndex score measuring the extent of Web use to facilitate provision of information by governments to citizens, interaction with stakeholders and engagment in decision-making processes

Political Impact
WBASecure internet servers per million peopleServers using encryption technology in transactions divided by population multiplied by 1,000,000.

Communications Infrastructure
World Bank
WBBTertiary enrolment rates (gross)Gross enrollment ratio is the ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the level of education shown. Tertiary education, whether or not to an advanced research qualification, normally requires, as a minimum condition of admission, the successful completion of education at the secondary level.

Institutional Infrastructure
World Bank
WBCICT service exports as a % of GDPInformation and communication technology service exports include computer and communications services (telecommunications and postal and courier services) and information services (computer data and news-related service transactions). The value is expressed as a share of nominal GDP.

Economic Impact
World Bank
WEFAAccessibility of digital contentSurvey Question: In your country, how accessible is digital content (e.g. text and audiovisual content, software products) via multiple platforms (e.g. fixed-line Internet, wireless Internet, mobile network, satellite, etc)? [1 = not accessible at all; 7 = widely accessible]

Communications Infrastructure
WEFBFirm-level technology absorptionSurvey Question: To what extent do businesses in your country absorb new technology? [1 = not at all; 7 = aggressively absorb]

Communications Infrastructure
WEFCFreedom of the pressSurvey Question: How free is the press in your country? [1 = totally restricted; 7 = completely free]

Institutional Infrastructure
WEFDQuality of educational systemSurvey Question: How well does the educational system in your country meet the needs of a competitive economy? [1 = not well at all; 7 = very well]

Institutional Infrastructure
WEFEInternet access in schoolsSurvey Question: How would you rate the level of access to the Internet in schools in your country? [1 = very limited; 7 = extensive]

Institutional Infrastructure
WEFFBurden of government regulationSurvey Question: How burdensome is it for your businesses in your country to comply with governmental administrative requirements (e.g. permits, regulations, reporting)? [1 = extremely burdensome; 7 = not burdensome at all]

Institutional Infrastructure
WEFGImportance of ICT to government vision of the futureSurvey Question: To what extent does the government have a clear implementation plan for utilizing information and communication technologies to improve your country's overall competitiveness? [ 1 = no plan; 7 = clear plan]

Institutional Infrastructure
WEFHGovernment priortization of ICTSurvey Question: How much priority does the government in your country place on information and communication technologies? [1 = weak priority; 7 = high priority]

Institutional Infrastructure
WEFIUse of virtual social networksSurvey question: How widely are virtual social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) for professional and personal communication in your country? [1 = not used at all; 7 = used widely]

Social Impact
WEFJImpact of ICT on access to basic servicesSurvey question: To what extent are information and technology technologies enabling access for all citizens to basic services (health, education, financial services etc) in your country? [1 = do not enable access at all; 7 = enable access significantly]

Social Impact
WEFKExtent of business internet useSurvey question: To what extent do companies within your country use the Internet for their business activities? (e.g. buying and selling goods, interacting with customers and suppliers) [1 = not at all; 7 = extensively]

Economic Impact
WEFLImpact of ICT on organisational modelsSurvey question: To what extent are information and communication technologies creating new organisational models (virtual teams, remote working, telecommuting etc) within businesses in your country? [1 = not at all; 7 = significantly]

Economic Impact
WEFMImpact of ICT on new services and productsSurvey question: To what extent are information and communication technologies creating new business models, services and products within your country? [1 = not at all; 7 = significantly]

Economic Impact
WEFNICT use and government efficiencySurvey Question: To what extent has the use of information and communication technologies by the government improved the efficiency of government services in your country? [1 = no effect; 7 = has generated considerable improvement]

Political Impact
WIKIAWikipedia articles in local languageNumber of wikipedia articles in local language (taking end-year values). Local language data is sourced from the CIA which mainly draws on national census data and Ethnologue which provides a database of academic studies. The number of articles in each relevant language is weighted by the share of the population that speak that language.
The Web

Web Content

by World Wide Web Foundation